, Various Qualifications

HTRSD is a provider of continuing education training focused on human trafficking and other social disparities for health care providers, as well as courses that address nurses' health and well-being and under-served topics in advanced critical care.
Human trafficking and related issues of social disparity are an increasingly important area of concern not only for society overall, but specifically for those in the health care sector, as it has been reported that 87% of domestic trafficking victims experience contact with someone within the public health system during their captivity. Additionally, those being impacted by the consequences of other social disparities are also highly likely to require medical attention at some point.
Because health care professionals are increasingly likely to be required to observe, assess, and act on behalf of someone under their care, as well as to ensure the safety of staff, other patients, and visitors, the need for in-depth learning is a vital part of continuing education. HTRSD's courses are carefully developed to bring practically applicable knowledge and methods to address the complexities of these human trafficking and social disparity issues.
Areas of Expertise
- Human Trafficking
- Social Disparities
- Critical Care
- Emergency Department Nursing