Physical and Psychological Trauma in Victims of Incest

This course is designed for the nurse who works with patients in the emergency room setting. The purpose of this course is to help nursing professionals identify potential victims of incest. The crime of incest is not routinely discussed but it is real and does happen. Emergency nurses need to be able to identify physical and psychological signs and symptoms of incest victim, as well as,  the characteristics of the perpetrator. 

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Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Define incest and its prevalence within the United States.
  2. Identify characteristics of the perpetrator.
  3. Recognize physical and psychological signs and symptoms of an incest victim.
  4. Describe the role of the emergency room nurse in assessing potential victims.
  5. Explain the important parts of the patient interview.
  6. Explain the initial and long-term effects of incest.
  7. Summarize treatment and reporting options for victims of incest.


Chapter 1: Introduction – Defining Incest

  • Legal Definition of Incest
  • National Prevalence
  • World View
  • The Perpetrator
  • Assessment of Potential Victims

Chapter 2: The ER Nurses Role in Identifying Potential Victims

  • Psychological Evidence
  • Physical Evidence
  • How to Approach the Patient/Potential Victim
  • The Patient Interview

Chapter 3: Effects and Treatment of incest Victims

  • Initial effects for Children
  • Long-term effects in Adulthood
  • Treatment Options
  • Reporting Options
  • Conclusion

Chapter 4: Vignette and References

  • Identifying Physical and Psychological Trauma in Victims of Incest
  • References
  • About the Author
  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $12.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

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HTRSD is a provider of continuing education training focused on human trafficking and other social disparities for health care providers, as well as courses that address nurses' health and well-being and under-served topics in advanced critical care.

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