"Safe" Water Fluoride Levels Linked to Hip Fractures
Natural water fluoride levels (ranging from 0 to 1 mg/L), considered safe in the US, are linked to hip fractures in Swedish elderly women when total fluoride intake is calculated, concludes a new study published in the Journal, Environmental health Perspectives (April 2021), by Helte, et al., reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
Fluoride from foods, beverages and tap water consumed were calculated. Urine fluoride levels were measured.
Swedes mostly drink tap water and shun bottled. Coffee, tea and tap water accounted for 78% of their fluoride intake.
Hip fractures increased among those with the highest urine fluoride excretions and highest estimated fluoride intake from foods and beverages relative to women with the lowest levels of each exposure, they report. Both urinary and dietary fluoride were associated with hip fractures.
The World Health Organization says 1.5 mg/L is safe but cautions "A person's diet, general state of health as well as the body's ability to dispose of fluoride all affect how the exposure to fluoride manifests itself."
NYSCOF President Paul Beeber, Esq. says, "Without evidence of safety or efficacy, the US government encourages artificial fluoridation at 0.7 mg/L in a failed effort to reduce tooth decay."
Because US children are fluoride-overdosed and afflicted with dental fluorosis (discolored teeth), artificially fluoridated water levels were reduced from 1 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L in the US. But the therapeutic range is narrow and consuming high naturally fluoridated water increases the risk of skeletal fluorosis (a bone damaging disease) which few US physicians are trained to detect.
Helte's research team writes, "Our findings which are consistent with the effects of high fluoride exposures observed in [other studies] …suggest that long-term consumption of tap water with a fluoride concentration of 1 mg/L…may adversely affect bone health in postmenopausal women."
Studies which found no association were mostly ecological with potential biases, explains Helte, whose study is a "comprehensive prospective population-based study."
Beeber says, "Claims of fluoridation's absolute safety for everyone over a lifetime is not only false; but can be deadly."
"About 30% of people with a hip fracture will die in the following year" (Journal of the American Medical Association April 2015).
For more information: http://fluoridealert.org/issues/health/bone-fracture/
Contact: Attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President, nyscof@aol.com 516-433-8882 http://twitter.com/nyscof
SOURCE New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
Article by PR Newswire.
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