Ontario County Nurse Certified in Correctional Health
To become a certified correction health professional/ registered nurse, Mitchell demonstrated the ability to deliver specialized nursing care in corrections.
“Ms. Mitchell is among an elite group of registered nurses who are also certified correctional health professionals nationwide who have earned this distinction,” Povero said in a press release.
Povero added that being a certified correction health professional (CCHP) is regarded as a symbol of accomplishment and self-improvement, and provides immeasurable benefits.
“It promotes correctional health care professionals’ knowledge, understanding, and application of standards and guidelines essential to the delivery of appropriate health care in the correctional environment; their role in delivering that care; the basic legal principles underlying their practice; and their ethical obligations,” Povero said.
Some institutions make certification a condition of employment or a prerequisite for pay raises and bonuses. Povero said the credential enhances their professional standing in the community.
Established in 2009 by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, the certification program was among the first to recognize professionalism and excellence among registered nurses employed in correctional health care. The credential is awarded to professionals who have met the program’s eligibility requirements and who pass a national examination.
The program is governed by the CCHP Board of Trustees, which is composed of 10 correctional health care experts from a variety of health professions.
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