Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face
Health care professionals continually face ethical and legal issues in the workplace, putting them at risk for burnout. Efforts to lasso health care costs puts increasing pressure on staff to do more with less. Limited resources force tough choices in quality of care. Patient safety may be compromised, resulting in injury and lawsuits. Bio-ethicists suggest that when medical professionals practice ethical principles of autonomy, justice, doing good and doing no harm can help health care professionals resolve difficult situations.
Informed Consent
The ethical code of health care professionals states that patients have the right to know the truth about their medical condition, and that they can choose treatment options. Information must be sufficient and understandable, to enable the patient to make informed decisions that are in his best interest. Ethical and legal dilemmas arise when the health care provider and the patient, or the patient’s family, have differing opinions on appropriate care. A health care professional may be torn between the ethics of beneficence (doing good) and autonomy (respecting patient’s wishes). If resolution cannot be reached, a judge may need to rule on the matter.
- A patient’s family asks the doctor not to tell their elderly mother that her tumor is malignant.
- The doctor disagrees with the patient’s request to forgo treatment.
- A teenager requests medication for a painful condition, but his parents refuse, based on religious beliefs.
- The patient asks the X-ray technician if her doctor is disclosing everything he knows about her test results.
Professional Boundaries
Health care professionals must maintain appropriate boundaries. Patients are vulnerable, and that vulnerability needs to be acknowledged and respected at all times. Successful treatment outcomes can give rise to deep feelings of gratitude that may possibly mistaken for physical attraction. Professional ethics and sexual exploitation laws prohibit inappropriate involvement with clients such as dating or accepting gifts that exceed nominal value. Genuine concern, trust and empathy should frame all interactions. Intervention is required if mutual respect is not shown or if boundaries are crossed.
- A patient persists in telling sexist jokes, which offends nursing home staff.
- A nursing home patient offers cash to a certified nursing assistant who has money problems.
- A patient asks his oncology nurse to go on a date with him the day he is discharged.
- A doctor treats her own family members when the family's primary care doctor is out of town.
Data Privacy
Protecting patient privacy is essential, in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Health care professionals must know and follow HIPPA laws, and cannot disclose patient information. Legally and ethically, health care professionals cannot violate patient trust, which is an essential component of treatment. When a patient dies, privacy rights still apply. Accidental or intentional disclosure of private patient information can result in litigation, huge fines and jail time for the violator.
- The medical secretary thinks she may have mistakenly mailed Patient A’s medical records to Patient B.
- A plastic surgeon discloses names of his well-known clients at a cocktail party.
- A medical coder accidentally put sensitive medical records in a hallway trash bin, instead of in the shredder.
- Nurses discuss a patient in the hospital cafeteria, where confidential information is overheard by visitors.
Access to Care
Access to care poses difficult ethical and legal dilemmas for health care professionals, who sign an oath not to harm their patient. Striking a balance between quality care and efficiency can be challenging. Health care professionals struggle to help patients who lack the resources to cover the treatment they need. Pressure from hospital administrations, insurance companies and managed care organizations further constrain the choices for treatment and prescriptions. A malpractice suit is more likely to happen if a patient claims that his condition was misdiagnosed by a harried medical practitioner.
- An insurance company refuses to pay for a procedure or a drug that a doctor strongly believes the patient needs.
- Due to staff shortages, a nurse is reassigned to another area, where the nursing staff lacks sufficient skill or training.
- The doctor wants to see a child for a follow-up visit, but his parents refuse, because of limited insurance coverage.
- A patient without insurance asks if she can have free samples of the medicine she needs.
Reference: Mary, Dr.. "Legal & Ethical Issues that Health Care Professionals Face." Work - Chron.com, http://work.chron.com/legal-ethical-issues-health-care-professionals-face-5648.html. 01 July 2018.