
I recently ran across a new program designed for seniors- "Cyber Seniors: Connecting Generations”   Teaming up with teenaged mentors, the youngsters teach the older participants a trick or two about the internet. Armed with new skills and knowledge of World Wide Web this program is connecting generations. View a couple of the heartwarming trailers and then visit the site Cyber-Seniors, to learn more about this program, how to view the entire documentary, how you can be a part of it and connect the seniors in your community with their family members.

Cyber Senior Trailer 
A humorous and heartwarming feature documentary, CYBER-SENIORS adds to the important international conversation about the growing generation gap. Focusing on a group of senior citizens who take their first steps into cyber-space under the tutelage of teenage mentors, the film expertly renders a thought-provoking look at a spirited group of men and women who are enriched by digitally re-connecting with their families and each other. Finding their footing rather quickly, the group moves on to compete for the most YouTube views while swiftly building their online inventory of friends.

“During the first couple of lessons, we witnessed a series of “ah hah” moments. The seniors’ eyes would light up and they would lean in close to the computer screen with awe each time they discovered something new. The introduction to YouTube really brought some of the seniors out of their shells, we even witnessed a few sing-a-longs! This video is a compilation of some of those first moments, when the seniors realized all the magic the Internet can bring.”

Meet the Seniors
“This short video contains footage from our initial interviews with the seniors, before they even had their first lessons. Many of them were apprehensive, they didn’t want to fail and embarrass themselves. But they all had their reasons for giving it a shot, namely to reconnect with family who weren’t always around. The lesson I learned from meeting these seniors is it takes a lot of courage to say yes and try something new. They all took the plunge and whether they were successful or not in the end, they learned a lot along the way and had a great time.”

What a wonderful program, bringing together families. Just goes to prove you are NEVER too old to learn!

Visit Cyber Seniors to learn more: