California Radiology Technologist Required Venipuncture Education

The bill reads that a Certified Radiologic Technologist may, under the direct supervision of a licensed physician and surgeon, and in accordance with the facility’s protocol may perform venipuncture in an upper extremity to administer contrast materials, manually or by utilizing a mechanical injector, if the radiologic technologist has been deemed competent to perform that venipuncture.

The education requirements to fulfill this mandate are completion of an education course consisting of a total of 10 hours including all of the following:

  • Anatomy and physiology of venipuncture sites.
  • Venipuncture instruments, intravenous solutions, and related equipment.
  • Puncture techniques.
  • Techniques of intravenous line establishment.
  • Hazards and complications of venipuncture.
  • Postpuncture care.
  • Composition and purpose of antianaphylaxis tray.
  • First aid and basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Performed 10 venipunctures on a human or training mannequin upper extremity (for example infusion arm, mannequin arm) under personal supervision. If performance is on a human, only an upper extremity may be used.
Upon satisfactory completion of the training and education, the school shall issue to the student a completion document. This document may not be construed to authorize a person to perform venipuncture or to administer contrast materials.