A New Device for Pill Crushing

Today’s workplace strives for safety and effciency, however, in come cases there are no available solutions. A few years ago, the Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare (OHSAH), a provincial government agency in Canada, was created to protect healthcare workers. Once formed, the agency decided to immediately tackle two issues. One issue was the inherent dangers of pill crushers. Crushing pills exposes nurses to injury (repetitive strain injury - RSI) and illness (inhaling toxic airborne pill dust). Consequently, nurses are on longterm disability from crushing pills. OHSAH quickly determined there were no pill crushers in the marketplace that provided acceptable solutions for the real dangers of pill crushing, thus, they set out to develop a solution of their own. After receiving extensive feedback from nurses and their employers, a list of features were created; features that would be imperative and integral to the success of this new pill crusher. SafeCrush™ is the very successful result of these years of research and development. SafeCrush™ provides safety and e ciency; giving back time to nurses and transferring the arduous and dangerous task of crushing pills to a sophisticated machine. For patients, they no longer have to tolerate the incessant banging of pill crushers, large chunks of medicine to swallow and clogged feeding tubes. For employers, they bene t from happier, healthier and more productive employees, while at the same time, lowering human resource costs and insurance costs. SafeCrush™ is THE PILL CRUSHING SOLUTION for nurses, patients and employers.

Learn more at the SaveCrush website:  http://www.safecrush.com/