Administration Set Change Chart

Regardless of infusate, change set immediately if contamination is suspected or product integrity is compromised. A sterile covering device should be used to cover the distal end of an administration set after intermittent use.

Administration Set Change Chart

Administration Type Administration Set Set Change Frequency
Primary and Secondary Continuous Infusions

(Infusions NOT containing blood, blood products or intravenous fat emulsions)
Primary Set
Secondary "piggyback" set
If infusate is administered continuously via primary or secondary administration set, including add-on devices, change set(s) no more frequently than at 96 hour intervals, but at least every 7 days.1

Primary and secondary continuous administration sets should be changed no more frequently than every 96 hours.2
Primary Intermittent

(Infusions NOT containing blood, blood products or Intravenous fat emulsions)
Primary Set No frequency recommendation. Unresolved issue. 1

Replace set every 24 hours. 2
Intravenous Fat Emulsion (IVFE)

Use DEHP free tubing
Primary Set

Secondary "piggyback" set
Within 24 hours of initiating the infusion.1

If infused separately, replace every 12 hours and/or with the with each new container.2
TPN containing IVFE

(3 in 1 formula)
Use DEHP free tubing
Primary Set Replace every 24 hours and/or with the with each new container.2
TPN (without IVFE) Primary Set No recommendation 1

Replace at least every 24 hours and with each new TPN/PN container. 2
Blood / Blood Products Primary Set

Replace within 24 hours of initiating the infusion. 1

Replace administration set and filter after the completion of each unit or every 4 hours. 2
Propofol Primary Set Replace every 6 or 12 hours, when the vial is changed, per the manufacturer's recommendation.1

Replace every 6-12 hours per manufacturer instructions or when the container is changed 2

1 Recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HICPAC)
2 Recommendations from the Infusion Nurse Society's 2016 Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice

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