Nursing Laws and Rules in Florida

According to Nursing Explorer, Florida is a very favorable state to practice nursing in. The need for all levels of nurses is favorable, due to Florida being a “retirement destination” that attracts older Americans (many with acute health issues as well as chronic medical conditions). The pay rates for nurses are often less than that of other states, but it is offset by the lower costs of living.

“As of 2018, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Florida employed 89,860 certified nursing assistants and 47,450 licensed vocational nurses. In addition, 177,600 registered nurses worked in Florida in 2018. This number includes the group of advanced practice registered nurses known as clinical nurse specialists. Advanced practice nurses, who have a wider scope of practice, also included 2,180 certified registered nurse anesthetists, 330 certified nurse-midwives, and 10,590 nurse practitioners.”

The goal of this course is to provide Florida licensed nurses with a basic overview of the Florida Nurse Practice Act. Upon completion of the program, the nurse will be prepared to comply with the laws governing nursing practice in Florida.

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Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe continuing education requirements for Florida nurse licensees.
  2. Discuss the role of Florida’s Intervention Project for Nurses.
  3. Differentiate practices between licensed practical nursing (LPN), registered nursing (RN), and advanced practice nursing (ARNP).
  4. Outline responsibilities of the Florida Board of Nursing.
  5. Verbalize examples of the grounds for discipline of any Florida nurse licensee.
  6. Identify benefits of the enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC).
  7. Discuss the purpose of filing a petition declaratory statement.
  8. Discuss the 4 principles involved in nursing ethics.
  9. Describe the differences between ‘under direction” and “under direct supervision.”
  10. Discuss the steps involved in acquiring an initial Florida nursing license; discuss steps in the nurse license renewal process.


Chapter 1: Florida Board of Nursing Membership and Responsibilities

Chapter 2: LPN, RN and ARNP Scope of Practice

  • Under direction and under direct supervision

Chapter 3: Initial License and Subsequent Renewal Process

  • Nurse compact licensure

Chapter 4: Continuing Education Requirement for License Renewal

Chapter 5: Petition Declaratory Statement

Chapter 6: Principles of Nursing Ethics

Chapter 7: Florida Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN)

Chapter 8: Disciplinary Actions and the Florida Nurse Practice Act

Chapter 9: Case Study

Chapter 10: References

Price: $18.00

Contact Hours: 1.5

Course Author

Author photo for Maureen Sullivan-Tevault

Maureen Sullivan-Tevault

Maureen graduated nursing school in 1981 and has spent her years in the Emergency and Trauma field, including nursing positions as the Emergency Department Manager, Director of Staff Education, Trauma Coordinator, Cardiology Nurse Navigator, and Stroke Program Manager.

Read Full Bio

Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the Florida Boards of Nursing, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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