Nurse and Doctor examining patient in ER.

Domestic Violence Education for Florida Nurses

Domestic violence transects every community and affects all people, regardless of age, socio-economic status, race, religion, gender, or nationality. Whether the violence results in physical or psychological injury, the effects can last a lifetime and affect multiple generations.

Healthcare professionals are in a pivotal position to positively impact the lives of those affected by domestic violence. Oftentimes, they may be the first person to come in contact with a victim of domestic violence. Their ability to effectively evaluate the situation, as well as provide time-sensitive, patient-centered care (including but not limited to treatment interventions, appropriate referrals, and follow-up care) can serve to enhance immediate victim safety, reduce further injury, and improve the home front circumstances, moving forward.

Healthcare professionals must be able to identify and assess all patients for suspected abuse and be able to offer treatment, counseling, education, and referrals, as appropriate. These referrals may extend out to shelter options, advocacy groups, child protection services, and legal assistance.

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
  1. Identify different types of domestic violence.
  2. Discuss possible indicators of abuse (“presenting symptoms”) that healthcare providers may recognize in a patient care setting.
  3. Summarize trauma informed approaches to care of a suspected domestic violence victim.
  4. Explore both the incidence and prevalence of domestic violence on a national level.
  5. Identify available resources (hotlines, shelters, legal assistance, batterer counseling, child protection services) for domestic violence victims on both a state and national level.
  6. Discuss risk factors abuser “profile.”
  7. Verbalize understanding of Florida mandatory reporting laws (state laws).
  8. Discuss the effects of COVID-19 on domestic violence.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Profiles of Victims and Abusers

Chapter 3: Initial Interaction and Screening Tools

Chapter 4: Importance of Trauma Informed Care

Chapter 5: Legal Issues - Florida Mandatory Reporting Laws

Chapter 6: Florida Specific and National Domestic Violence Resources

Chapter 7: Elements of a Safety Plan (Escape Plan)

Chapter 8: A Pandemic Within a Pandemic - The Effects of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence

Chapter 9: Case Study on Domestic Abuse

Chapter 10: References

Price: $24.00

Contact Hours: 2

Nurse and Doctor examining patient in ER.

Course Author

Author photo for Maureen Sullivan-Tevault

Maureen Sullivan-Tevault

Maureen graduated nursing school in 1981 and has spent her years in the Emergency and Trauma field, including nursing positions as the Emergency Department Manager, Director of Staff Education, Trauma Coordinator, Cardiology Nurse Navigator, and Stroke Program Manager.

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the Florida Board of Nursing through CE Broker, CE Provider #: 50-13256.

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