practitioner manipulating a patients bent leg for muscle energy.

Muscle Energy Techniques

Step by step video instructions for assessment and application of Muscle Energy Techniques for Scalenes, SCM, Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Hip Flexors, Hip Adductors, Quadriceps, TFL, Quadratus Lumborum, Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles.

This practical video course is supported with a course text that is packed full of color photographs which illustrate both the theory and practice of muscle energy techniques (MET's).

The 172 page text is extensively referenced with clinical examples and tips for helping you learn and integrate MET's into your daily work.

What's Included?

  • Fully illustrated 190 page e-textbook
  • Video classes presented by Stuart Hinds
  • Online exam and certificate of completion
  • Lifetime access


Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Define the muscles that the core consists of.
  2. Recall muscle anatomy and physiology.
  3. Describe the Modified Thomas Test and Wall Push-Up Test, and what each measure is.

Price: $59.95

Contact Hours: 3

practitioner manipulating a patients bent leg for muscle energy.

Course Author

Author photo for Niel Asher Education

Niel Asher Education

Niel Asher Education is an accredited provider of CE and CPD courses and micro-learning products for rehabilitation professionals. We are passionate about serving those in our community who, like ourselves, view their career as a daily journey of learning and self improvement. We are also passionate advocates for integrative medicine and a wider acceptance of safe, established but less-conventional, treatment modalities. Our mission is to provide affordable, first class education, backed up with 5-star support.

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Course Accreditation

See our Accreditation Statements page to view our accreditation information.

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