Ethics in Healthcare

This course is designed to expose nurses to a variety of ethical issues and decisions that commonly occur in the workplace. In order to understand and appreciate the complexities involved in healthcare ethics and ethical decision making, this course will explore systematic strategies designed to assist healthcare professionals with ethical decision making.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that seeks to utilize a body of knowledge to determine what is right or wrong. Ethics are also moral standards by which we live. They are derived from laws. When it comes to fairness, helping others, and not harming others, ethics are the moral root of the law. Healthcare professional will always be faced with making ethical decisions in the workplace, making a choice between two equally desirable or undesirable solutions. The code of ethics at your workplace can help to assist with those decisions.  A code of ethics is a list of written statements describing ideal behavior and serves as a model for personal conduct. Most codes of ethics that govern the behavior of healthcare professions are written by professional organizations.

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Upon completion of this course, participants will:

  1. Define ethics and be familiar with the international nursing code of ethics.
  2. Assess ethical frameworks and principles used to make ethical decisions.
  3. Analyze a systematic model used to make ethical decisions.
  4. Develop an understanding of ethical dilemmas.
  5. Understand ethics and apply ethical guidelines, frameworks, principles and systematic models to solve ethical dilemmas.


Chapter 1: Defining Ethics

Chapter 2: Ethical Frameworks

  • Utilitarianism framework 
  • Duty-based framework 
  • Rights-based framework
  • Intuitionist framework 

Chapter 3: Ethical Principles and Theories 

  • Teleological principle 
  • Deontological principle 
  • Beneficence principle 
  • Non maleficence principle 
  • Autonomy principle
  • Paternalism 
  • Justice principle

Chapter 4: Using a Systematic Model to Make Ethical Decisions

Chapter 5: Solving Ethical Dilemmas

Chapter 6: Conclusion

  • References
  • California Bill 241
    • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
    • What is Implicit Bias?
    • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
    • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $12.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Kendall Moore

Kendall is a 2022 Magna Cum Laude graduate from Tyler Junior College with an Associates Degree in Nursing. She has a huge passion for all things nutrition and hormone health, is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association and is enrolled in Pacific College's RN-to-BSN in Holistic Nursing program. Upon graduation, Kendall intends to begin a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program!

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