Diabetes Management and Insulin Pumps

Since the introduction of insulin pumps several decades ago, Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) therapy has become the preferred method of treatment for everyone with Type 1 Diabetes. For patients using CSII for diabetes, it replaces multiple daily injections (MDI) of insulin. Insulin pumps are also used for some people with Type 2 Diabetes who, as a result of the progression of their diabetes, require MDI of insulin a day, similar to a person who has Type 1 Diabetes. Many of the patients admitted to long term care facilities, assisted living facilities, post acute care facilities and rehabilitation units are mentally alert but need of physical care during an extended recovery or rehabilitation time. The dilemma in the post acute care settings, when a patient is admitted who has been on CSII, is whether to continue the use of the insulin pump or revert back to MDI of insulin. In this online diabetes management course, we will explore when it is appropriate to leave the diabetic patient on CSII, when to consider reverting to multiple injections and how to manage an insulin pump in the post acute care setting when it is determined to be the preferred method of treatment. Videos, pictures and links to pertinent web sites are included to enhance the learning experience. 

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of continuing CSII in a post-acute care facility.
  2. Identify the most important resource needed to continue CSII in a post-acute care facility.
  3. Name the urgent interventions required to problem solve hyper and hypoglycemia for a patient on CSII.
  4. Specify the type of insulin most commonly used in CSII.


Chapter 1: Introduction to CSII

  • Types of Diabetes
  • History of Insulin Pumps
  • Advantages of CSII
  • Disadvantages of CSII
Chapter 2: Insulin Used in CSII
  • Types of Insulin
  • CSII Terminology
Chapter 3: Insulin Pump Companies and Equipment
  • Pumps Currently on the Market in U.S.
  • Web Sites for Insulin Pump Companies
  • Insulin Pump Equipment
Chapter 4: Mechanics of Operating Insulin Pumps
  • Animas One Touch Ping
  • MedtronicDiabetes Paradigm
  • Omnipod 
  • t:Slim 

Chapter 5: Acute Illness and/or Unexplained Hyperglycemia

  • General Rules for Sick Day Management
  • Timing of Boluses During Illness
  • Unexplained hyperglycemia

Chapter 6: Hypoglycemia

  • Assessment
  • Treatment

Chapter 7: Routine Assessment and Documentation

  • Assessment
  • Documentation 

Chapter 8: Resources

  • Patient
  • Family
  • Facility Dietitian
  • Local or Area Diabetes Center
  • Endocrinologist/Diabetologist
  • Pump Company Websites
  • Pump Company Representatives
  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $30.00

Contact Hours: 2.5

Course Author

Maureen Sullivan-Tevault

Maureen graduated nursing school in 1981 and has spent her years in the Emergency and Trauma field, including nursing positions as the Emergency Department Manager, Director of Staff Education, Trauma Coordinator, Cardiology Nurse Navigator, and Stroke Program Manager.

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