Positive Fire and Life Safety Practices - Online Inservice

The possibility of a fire occurring in any type of occupancy or structure is a threat that must be taken seriously. A fire in a healthcare care facility would place occupants including patients, residents, staff and visitors in extreme jeopardy due to the custodial nature of these types of properties and the physical and mental limitations of infirmed residents. Positive practices and measure must be incorporated into the operations of every healthcare facility to help ensure the safety of building occupants by preventing the ignition or spread of fire. This online Positive Fire and Life Safety Practices in-service is designed to help CNAs understand the threat of fire, recognize potential fire hazards and causes as well as understand positive practices that will help reduce the chances of a fire from occurring or limiting its potential spread. Additionally, this course will promote positive practices that will help a facility establish and maintain regulatory compliance with applicable Life Safety Codes.

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Upon completion of the course, the participant should be able to: 

  1. Define general fire prevention concepts and positive practices.
  2. Name 2 potential fire hazards.
  3. Name 2 potential fire causes.
  4. List 1 procedure that will help limit the possibility of a fire.  
  5. List 1 positive practice that will help limit the ignition or spread of a fire.  
  6. List 1 general code requirements designed to prevent a fire and safeguard facility occupants.  
  7. Define the critical importance of the means of egress.  
  8. Define the R.A.C.E. Procedure.


Chapter 1: Introduction 

Chapter 2: Fire Prevention, Hazards and Causes 

Chapter 3: Waste Management and Storage

Chapter 4: Common Hazard Exposures

Chapter 5: Means of Egress

Chapter 6:  Emergency Response Protocols

Chapter 7: Summary

Chapter 8: Resources

Price: $10.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Author photo for Stan Szpytek

Stan Szpytek

Mr. Szpytek is a former deputy fire chief and fire marshal with a Chicago area fire department having served for 26 years and honorably retired in 2003. He is the president of Fire and Life Safety, Inc. (FLS) and the Life Safety / Disaster Planning Consultant for the Arizona Health Care Association (AzHCA) and the California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF). FLS is a consulting firm that provides loss control, fire safety and emergency preparedness programs for healthcare providers of all types with special focus on skilled nursing facilities, assisted living communities and other long-term care properties. 

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the California Department of Public Health, Nurse Aide Certification (NAC) #: 7046.  This document must be retained by the certified nurse assistant for a period of four years after the course completion. Provider approved by the Florida, New Hampshire, and Wyoming Board of Nursing-Certified Nursing Assistants, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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