Handwashing Responsibilities in Healthcare - Online Inservice

This course is designed for nurse’s aides in all healthcare settings since it is the single most important responsibility in preventing and reducing infections and disease transmission in all areas of patient care. As a healthcare worker or professional you have heard about handwashing over and over in every orientation and in-service related to infection control, yet infection rates of MRSA, C-Diff, and other highly contagious infections continue to rise at an alarming rate. This course will introduce a new perspective beyond basic infection control and hand hygiene, as a necessary part of patient safety and the healthcare provider’s responsibility.

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Verbalize basic knowledge of infection control terminology and definitions.
  2. Identify and understand modes of infection transmission.
  3. List 3 common illnesses spread by contaminated hands.
  4. Identify the #1 defense in transmittable infections.
  5. Define hand hygiene protocol in patient care settings.
  6. Demonstrate appropriate use of the 2 types of hand hygiene according to contamination level.
  7. Verbalize and demonstrate effective handwashing technique.
  8. Commit to patient and self responsibility through frequent and consistent hand hygiene in patient care and public settings.


Chapter 1: Basics of Infection Control

  • Definition of Infection
  • Types of Infections
  • Transmission Modes
  • 1st Defense in prevention
  • Most common preventable infections

Chapter 2: Hand Hygiene

  • Effective hand hygiene actions
  • Appropriate handwashing technique
  • When to practice hand hygiene
  • Hand gel in healthcare

Chapter 3: Responsible Patient Care

  • Facts and Figures of facility related infections
  • Commitment to care
  • Commitment to self care

Chapter 4: Resources

Price: $10.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Author photo of Capra Garrison

Capra Garrison

Capra Garrison, Registered Nurse, has more than 33 years of experience in infusion therapy and the instruction of licensed nurses in infusion therapy continuing education. Her experience comes from multiple infusion settings: acute care, ambulatory infusion centers, home infusion, long term care continuing education provider, and long term care pharmacy quality assurance consultant.

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the California Department of Public Health, Nurse Aide Certification (NAC) #: 7046.  This document must be retained by the certified nurse assistant for a period of four years after the course completion. Provider approved by the Florida, New Hampshire, and Wyoming Board of Nursing-Certified Nursing Assistants, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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