Guidance on Urinary Symptoms and Fall Risks

Among nursing home residents, falls are a leading cause of injuries. Falls are typically linked to underlying health problems, such as dementia, mobility impairment or medication side effects. Urinary symptoms (US), such as urgency, frequency, nocturia, etc. are associated with an increased likelihood of falling. Residents with US often engage in potentially risky behaviors, such arising from bed several times during the night, mostly under conditions of poor illumination, to urinate. To make matters worse, residents often need to hurry to the toilet in order to not wet themselves, which increases their risk of falls. Consequently, addressing US represents a potential target for interventions aimed at reducing falls in nursing home residents. Unfortunately, while residents with US have repeatedly been shown to be at significant risk for falls, focusing on US alone, without addressing the resident’s fall risk status, has not resulted in any decrease in fall risk. This course discusses the causes of falls and fractures, and the urologic conditions that increase their risk, and focuses on how nursing staff can potentially prevent falls by addressing US and vice versa, on how reducing fall risk can benefit residents with US.

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Upon completion of this course the participant will be able to:

  1. Explain the relationship between urinary symptoms and fall risk.
  2. Identify Age-related changes in the urinary system.
  3. Recognize the root causes of urinary symptoms.
  4. List common reversible causes of bladder loss.
  5. Name specific types of chronic urinary incontinence.
  6. Describe the screening and assessment process for both bladder loss and fall risk.
  7. Summarize management strategies for bladder loss and fall risk.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Urinary System

Chapter 3: Causes Of Urinary Symptoms

Chapter 4: Screening And Assessment

Chapter 5: Management Of Urinary Symptoms

Chapter 6: Management Of Fall Risk

Chapter 7: Environmental Strategies

Chapter 8: Case Study

Chapter 9: Course Summary

Chapter 10: Appendix

Chapter 11: References

  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $24.00

Contact Hours: 2

Course Author

Author photo for Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar, PhD, PA-C, or Dr. Rein as he is commonly referred to, is the president of Fall Prevent, LLC, Blackwood, New Jersey, a consulting company that provides educational, legal, and marketing services related to fall prevention in the elderly.

Dr. Tideiksaar is a gerontologist, which is a health care professional who specializes in working with elderly patients, and a geriatric physician's assistant. He has been active in the area of fall prevention for over thirty years. 

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