Facts About Falls - Online Inservice

Every day, health care facilities are dealing with the risk of falls with patients, clients or residents. Hundreds of cases are documented each year and dedicating time to fall prevention needs to be an important part of our health care education.

For many years, it was assumed that falls were unavoidable accidents, due to just being old, and that nothing, apart from restricting a resident’s mobility or placing them in physical restraints, could be done to prevent falls. Each year, one in every three adults age 65 and older falls. These falls can cause moderate to severe injuries, such as hip fractures and head traumas, and can increase the risk of early death. Fortunately, falls are a public health problem that is largely preventable and lends to the need to identify risks that attribute to falls.

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Upon completion of the course, the participant should be able to:

  1. Identify how frequently falls occur and what harmful consequences may follow an episode of falling.
  2. Recognize the different causes of falling.
  3. Identify which residents are at higher risk for falls.
  4. List external risk factors for falls.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Facts About Falls

  • How Frequent are Falls?
  • Where and When do Falls Occur?
  • How Serious are Falls?

Chapter 3: Causes of Falling

  • What is a Fall?
  • Why do Residents Fall?

Chapter 4: Fall Risk Factors

  • Internal Risk factors
  • External Risk Factors

Chapter 5: References

Price: $10.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Author photo for Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar, PhD, PA-C, or Dr. Rein as he is commonly referred to, is the president of Fall Prevent, LLC, Blackwood, New Jersey, a consulting company that provides educational, legal, and marketing services related to fall prevention in the elderly.

Dr. Tideiksaar is a gerontologist, which is a health care professional who specializes in working with elderly patients, and a geriatric physician's assistant. He has been active in the area of fall prevention for over thirty years. 

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the California Department of Public Health, Nurse Aide Certification (NAC) #: 7046.  This document must be retained by the certified nurse assistant for a period of four years after the course completion. Provider approved by the Florida, New Hampshire, and Wyoming Board of Nursing-Certified Nursing Assistants, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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