End of Life Care - Online Inservice

Patients in their final stages of life will experience a variety of feelings, and their wishes need to be respected by those who provide care, especially CNAs, who interact with these individuals on a daily basis. As a result, it is important for CNAs to understand the process a resident goes through as he or she is dying. This inservice is for certified nurse aides and caregivers of all kinds that will be providing care to those who are dying or have terminal illnesses.

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At the conclusion of this course, participants will:

  1. Discuss the difference between curing and caring.
  2. State 3 goals of end-of-life care.
  3. Describe patient rights, issues, and decisions of end-of-life care.
  4. Define meaning and purpose of advance directives.
  5. Describe the caregiver’s role in end-of-life care.


Chapter 1: Our Own Beliefs About Dying

  • End of Life Care Learning Exercise
  • Two Ways To View The End of Life
  • The Rights of A Dying Person
  • The Goals of End-of-Life Care

Chapter 2: Important Issues and Decisions

  • Life-Sustaining Therapies
  • Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment
  • Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders
  • Advance Directives

Chapter 3: Phases of Dying

  • Actively Dying Symptoms
  • Transitioning Phase
  • Imminent Death Phase
  • The Death

Chapter 4: Your Role in Caring for Someone at the End of Life

  • The 5 Stages of Grief
  • Acceptance
  • Relief of Suffering Through Effective Care
  • Family and Patient
  • After Death Care

Chapter 5: References

Price: $10.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Author photo for Kendall Moore

Kendall Moore

Kendall is a 2022 Magna Cum Laude graduate from Tyler Junior College with an Associates Degree in Nursing. She has a huge passion for all things nutrition and hormone health, is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association and is enrolled in Pacific College's RN-to-BSN in Holistic Nursing program. Upon graduation, Kendall intends to begin a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program!

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the California Department of Public Health, Nurse Aide Certification (NAC) #: 7046.  This document must be retained by the certified nurse assistant for a period of four years after the course completion. Provider approved by the Florida, New Hampshire, and Wyoming Board of Nursing-Certified Nursing Assistants, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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