Sterile field set up with cotton balls, sterile applicators, 4 x 4 gauze.

Debridement: Be a "Cut" Above the Rest

This course will provide participants with an understanding of what debridement is and why it deserves consideration in any wound care plan. Regardless of the care setting, if you are a clinician who manages chronic, non-healing wounds, this course is imperative to your practice and patient outcomes. First, the concept of debridement will be introduced. Then, the wound healing cascade and where debridement fits into the healing trajectory will be examined in detail. In addition, debridement options will be compared and criteria for choosing the appropriate debridement method will be covered. This course will offer tools allowing participants to look at wound healing through a new lens.

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Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Define the term debridement and name 3 benefits.
  2. Identify the 4 phases of the wound healing cascade and where debridement fits in.
  3. Identify the 2 scenarios in which debridement must be initiated.
  4. List the types of debridement and state one advantage and disadvantage to each.
  5. Explain why wet to dry dressing is not a preferred debridement method.
  6. Apply the knowledge learned through an assessment exercise.


Chapter 1: Debridement and the Wound Healing Cascade

  • Debridement defined
  • 4 phases of wound healing and purpose of each phase
  • Which phase of wound healing does most chronic wounds get stuck in and why?
  • Necrotic tissue types
  • Benefits of debridement

Chapter 2: To Debride or Not to Debride

  • Two questions to ask yourself when confronted with a necrotic wound
  • Two scenarios where debridement is required
  • Two scenarios where debridement is contraindicated

Chapter 3: Types of Debridement

  • Autolytic
  • Sharp
  • Chemical
  • Enzymatic
  • Biosurgical
  • Mechanical

Chapter 4: Exercise

Chapter 5: References

Price: $12.00

Contact Hour: 1

Sterile field set up with cotton balls, sterile applicators, 4 x 4 gauze.

Course Author

Author photo for Yvette Aidoo-Forson

Yvette Aidoo-Forson

Yvette Aidoo-Forson is a Registered Nurse who launched an educational consulting firm, New Skin RN LLC. She graduated nursing school in 2005 and is a Certified Wound Ostomy Nurse (WOC) with over 10 years of experience managing patients with impaired skin, wound and ostomies. Passionate about her specialty, Yvette enjoys sharing her expertise and has authored several articles published on her LinkedIn page and website blog.

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