nurse assisting a dementia patient with water.

Caring for Patients with Alzheimer's and Dementia - Online Inservice

Every 68 seconds another American develops Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias are common diagnoses in the long-term care setting. In this setting, certified nurse aides (CNAs) provide the majority of care for these residents. In fact, the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers found the average length of time nurse aides spent 2.47 hours with each resident. In addition to cognitive decline, residents with dementia often demonstrate changes in behavior, agitation, and aggression. For these reasons, education and training in dementia care for CNAs should be viewed as a priority.

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Define and recall symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
  2. State difficult behaviors they may encounter when providing care for patients with dementia.
  3. Identify techniques for handling difficult behaviors in a compassionate way.
  4. List ways to help a resident perform tasks.
  5. Utilize communication techniques to assist in patient care.


Chapter 1: Understanding Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Understanding Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • The Results of Dementia

Chapter 2: Caring for Dementia Patients

  • Communication Tips
  • Care Suggestions for Dementia Patients
  • Techniques for Dealing with Difficult Behaviors

Chapter 3: Techniques for Dealing with Difficult Behaviors

  • Common Triggers
  • Aggression and Agitation
  • Sundown Syndrome (Sundowning)
  • Paranoia
  • Hiding, Hoarding, and Rummaging
  • Wandering
  • Multi-Sensory Environments (MSEs)

Chapter 3: Case Studies

Chapter 4: References

Price: $10.00

Contact Hour: 1

nurse assisting a dementia patient with water.

Course Author

Author photo for Kendall Moore

Kendall Moore

Kendall is a 2022 Magna Cum Laude graduate from Tyler Junior College with an Associates Degree in Nursing. She has a huge passion for all things nutrition and hormone health, is a member of the American Holistic Nurses Association and is enrolled in Pacific College's RN-to-BSN in Holistic Nursing program. Upon graduation, Kendall intends to begin a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner program!

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Course Accreditation

Provider approved by the California Department of Public Health, Nurse Aide Certification (NAC) #: 7046.  This document must be retained by the certified nurse assistant for a period of four years after the course completion. Provider approved by the Florida, New Hampshire, and Wyoming Board of Nursing-Certified Nursing Assistants, CE Broker Provider #: 50-13256.

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