Nurse holding a stethoscope to a heart shaped balloon.

Cardiovascular Assessment in the Elderly

What happens when an elderly person presents with a new symptom? Is it really what it appears to be? As people age, normal changes occurs to every system in the body. The confusing part of the process is that elderly people might exhibit atypical symptoms to a common disease or injury. The way healthcare professionals assess an elderly person needs to include a unique approach- recognition of atypical symptoms, understanding the effects of presenting symptoms on chronic debilitating diseases, and taking the time or altering the assessment to accommodate an elderly person’s limitations (i.e., physical limitations, cognitive deficiencies, hearing and/or visual impairment). Simple things need to be remembered, for example, the elderly have more difficulty with body temperature regulation so having a person wear a thin gown and wait to be examined in a room that may be cooler will adversely affect them. This online CNE course will focus on cardiovascular assessment for the elderly and educate the learner in changes that occur as a normal process of aging.

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Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the impacts of aging on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Describe how common disease patterns may present differently in the older person. 
  3. Analyze “other” influences that contribute to new onset symptoms, such as the effects of polypharmacy or presence of comorbidities.


Chapter 1:  Introduction & Overview of normal changes

Chapter 2:  Left Ventricular Resistance & Hypertension

Chapter 3:  Valve Pathophysiology


Chapter 4:  Myocardial Hypertrophy & Heart Failure

Chapter 5:  Electrical Disturbances

Chapter 6:  Miscellaneous - Co-Morbidities, Electrolytes & Medications
  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $12.00

Contact Hour: 1

Nurse holding a stethoscope to a heart shaped balloon.

Course Author

Author photo of Carol Knauff

Carol Knauff

Carol Knauff, MSN, RN, CCRN is a Registered since 1978. Carol is currently the Patient Care Manager for St. Luke’s Endoscopy Center- Buxmont in Sellersville PA.  Areas of expertise include: critical care, gastroenterology, diabetes care and gerontology nursing. She is active in bedside nursing, administrative and education roles. She has been active faculty for multiple universities and private nursing education companies.

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