Patient lying in a hospital bed, with a FALL RISK arm band on.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Falling: What’s the Connection

Every year, many people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) fall, often repeatedly. Often, the individuals fall is ascribed solely to AD. As a result, to guard against further falls, health providers will restrict the AD persons mobility, which can actually increase fall risk (due to loss of leg strength, balance, coordination, etc.). The purpose of Alzheimer’s Disease and Falling: What’s the Connection is to make health providers in the community and institutional settings aware of why people with AD fall, and how to prevent falls in this vulnerable population. While the information may not always be applicable to the participant’s clinical setting, my hope is that enough information can be gleaned, which will enable participants to avoid falls in their AD populations. 

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Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the extent and consequences of falling in AD.
  2. List 2 common fall risk factors in AD.
  3. List 2 common injury risk factors in AD.
  4. Describe common environmental risk factors for falls in AD.
  5. Explain behavioral fall risk factors in AD.
  6. State 3 strategies to prevent falls in AD.


Chapter 1: The Connection Between AD and Falling

  • Fall Risk Factors
    • Altered Mobility
    • Altered Cognition
    • Medication Risk Factors
    • Altered Vision
  • Injurious Fall Risk Factors
  • Environmental Risk Factors
Chapter 2: Evaluating Falls and Fall Risk in AD
  • Assessing Falls and Fall Risk
  • Mobility Evaluation
  • Monitoring Fall Risk
  • Post Fall Assessment
Chapter 3: Interventions
  • Medical Strategies
  • Behavioral Strategies
  • Rehabilitative Strategies
  • Environmental Strategies
    • Pathways
    • Lighting
    • Flooring
    • Beds
    • Chairs
    • Bathroom
    • Closet Shelves/Kitchen CabinetsFall and Injury Prevention Devices
Chapter 4: Specific Behavioral and Health Problems
  • Paranoia
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Safe Nighttime Toileting
  • Bathing
  • Grab Bar Safety
  • Wandering
  • Insomnia
  • Behavioral Disturbances in Acute Care Settings 
  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $24.00

Contact Hours: 2

Patient lying in a hospital bed, with a FALL RISK arm band on.

Course Author

Author photo for Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar

Rein Tideiksaar, PhD, PA-C, or Dr. Rein as he is commonly referred to, is the president of Fall Prevent, LLC, Blackwood, New Jersey, a consulting company that provides educational, legal, and marketing services related to fall prevention in the elderly.

Dr. Tideiksaar is a gerontologist, which is a health care professional who specializes in working with elderly patients, and a geriatric physician's assistant. He has been active in the area of fall prevention for over thirty years. 

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