Martha Dietz, CRNI, VA-BC

Author photo for Martha Dietz

Martha Dietz, CRNI, VA-BC is the corporate IV nurse for PharMerica long term care pharmacy where she serves as a resource for more than 90 pharmacies across the country and is the author of educational programs and policies and procedures in infusion therapy for PharMerica’s customers.  She has more than 33 years of experience in the pediatric critical care, home infusion and long term care pharmacy settings. Martha is a member of the Infusion Nurses Society and the Association for Vascular Access and she holds certifications in infusion therapy with both organizations. She holds Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Ball State University and is a member of Sigma Theta Tau national nursing honorary. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Education
  • Infusion therapy

Professional Associations

  • Infusion Nurses Society (INS)
  • The Association for Vascular Access (AVA)

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