Nutrition and Hydration - Traditional Inservice

The traditional in-service format is designed to provide home health care providers, assisted living facilities, and skilled and long term care facilities all that is needed to deliver informative in-services to your certified nurse aides and staff. With our new unique design of in-service presentations you can take advantage of traditional in-person presentation methods and add modern teaching techniques of a visual presentation, interactive review questions and video presentations. Use our online course display to make your presentation visual, informative, fun, and interactive, incorporating all aspects of adult learning techniques.  With the use of a projector, screen, smart TV, or laptop our online in-services and interactive features, such as review questions and video teaching segments, are easily presented to the audience.

Our traditional format provides you with complete printable course curriculum handouts, final test/exam handout, final exam key for the presenter, sign in sheets to track attendance, printable certificates of completion, as well as printable skill competency checklists to verify competence in all skills related to the in-service. 

This Nutrition and Hydration course will provide participants with a review of the basic safety considerations and nutritional guidelines necessary to safely assist residents and elderly clients in eating, drinking and maintaining optimal nutritional status. This comprehensive review can be utilized for nursing assistive personnel throughout all healthcare settings, as the safety considerations for nutrition and hydration do not change according to level of acuity. Within this course, the participant will review the basics of nutrition and hydration, common nutritional problems of the elderly or ill, different ways that residents and clients can receive nutrition and hydration, Aspiration Precautions, food and beverage modification to prevent aspiration or choking, factors that influence food preferences, special diets, different types of adaptive equipment used for meals, making dining enjoyable for residents and clients, appropriately and safely feeding a resident or client, assisting residents and clients with disabilities during meal times, accurately measuring meal intake, improving communication to promote safety during meal times, steps to take in the event that a resident or client is observed to be choking, and completing incident reporting in a timely and thorough manner.   


Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
  1. Discuss the basics of nutrition and hydration.
  2. Identify common nutritional problems of the elderly or ill.
  3. Discuss the different ways that residents and clients can receive nutrition and hydration.
  4. Define Aspiration Precautions.
  5. Explain how food and beverages can be modified to prevent aspiration or choking.
  6. Define special diets, and list the specific components of each.
  7. Identify different types of adaptive equipment used for meals.
  8. Describe factors that influence food preferences.
  9. Describe how to make dining enjoyable for residents and clients.
  10. Demonstrate how to appropriately and safely feed a resident or client.
  11. Explain how to assist residents and clients with disabilities during meal times.
  12. Demonstrate how to accurately measure meal intake.
  13. Explain how improving communication can promote safety during meal times.
  14. List the steps to take in the event that a resident or client is observed to be choking.
  15. Discuss how to complete incident reporting in a timely and thorough manner.


Chapter 1: Basics of Nutrition and Hydration

  • Importance of Proper Nutrition and Hydration
  • Water
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • USDA’s MyPlate 

Chapter 2: Common Nutritional Problems of the Elderly or Ill

  • Considerations for Normal Changes of Aging
  • Confusion, Dementia and Delirium
  • Constipation
  • Dentures, Tooth loss, and Mouth Pain
  • Impaired Swallowing
  • Unintended Weight loss

Chapter 3: Different Ways That Nutrition and Hydration Can Be Delivered

  • Nutrition and Hydration by Mouth
  • Nasogastric, Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy Tube Feeding and Hydration
  • Intravenous Nutrition and Hydration

Chapter 4: Modified Food and Beverages to Prevent Aspiration and Choking

  • Aspiration Precautions
  • Thickened Liquids
  • Modified Food Textures

Chapter 5: Special Diets

  • Regular Diet
  • Clear Liquid Diet
  • Full Liquid Diet
  • Mechanical Soft Diet
  • Low Sodium Diet
  • Fluid Restricted Diet
  • Heart Healthy Diet
  • Carbohydrate Controlled Diet
  • Bland Diet
  • Low Residue Diet
  • High Residue Diet
  • Gluten Free Diet

Chapter 6: Using Adaptive Equipment during Meals

  • Clothing Protectors
  • Adaptive Eating Utensils
  • Adaptive Drinking Cups
  • Plate Guards and Adaptive Bowls

Chapter 7: Making Mealtimes Enjoyable for Residents and Clients

  • Understanding Factors that Influence Food Preferences
  • Strategies for Making Mealtimes Enjoyable for Residents and Clients

Chapter 8: Feeding and Assisting Residents and Clients with Meals

  • Feeding a Resident of Client that Cannot Feed Self
  • Assisting Residents and Clients with Disabilities During Mealtimes

Chapter 9: Measuring Meal Intake

  • Calculating Basic Conversions
  • Meal Consumed Percentages

Chapter 10: Improving Communication to Promote Safety

  • Following the Resident Care Plan
  • Alerting Resident, Visitors and Staff of Safety Precautions Related to Meals

Chapter 11: Responding to a Choking Resident or Client

  • Identifying a Choking Victim
  • Getting Help and Activating the Emergency Response System (911)
  • Emergency Care for Resident or Client with an Obstructed Airway

Chapter 12: Incident Reporting

  • Completing an Incident Report

Chapter 13: Print Course Handouts

  • Course materials handouts; exam, exam key, certificate of completion, attendance sheet
  • Skill Check-Off Lists

Chapter 14: References

Price: $59.00

Contact Hours: 1.25

Course Author

Author photo of Damion Keith Jenkins

Damion Keith Jenkins

 Damion Jenkins, RN, MSN is the founder and CEO of a nursing education and consultation company - The Nurse Speak, LLC., where he specializes in the delivery of individualized tutoring, mentoring and consultation services for students, new graduate nurses, and healthcare facilities. Damion is also an adjunct nursing professor, an experienced travel nurse, and an active nurse blogger. 

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Course Accreditation

This course provides 1.25 inservice contact hours.

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