Elderly woman lying in a hospital bed with arms folded over her abdomen.

Elder Abuse Prevention and Reporting - Traditional Inservice

The traditional inservice format is designed to provide home health care providers, assisted living facilities, and skilled and long term care facilities all that is needed to deliver informative inservices to your certified nurse aides and staff. With our new unique design of in-service presentations you can take advantage of traditional in-person presentation methods and add modern teaching techniques of a visual presentation, interactive review questions and video presentations. Use our online course display to make your presentation visual, informative, fun, and interactive, incorporating all aspects of adult learning techniques.  With the use of a projector, screen, smart TV, or laptop our online inservices and interactive features, such as review questions and video teaching segments, are easily presented to the audience.

Our traditional format provides you with complete printable course curriculum handouts, final test/exam handout, final exam key for the presenter, sign in sheets to track attendance, printable certificates of completion, as well as printable skill competency checklists to verify competence in all skills related to the in-service. 

This course will provide participants with a review of the basic protective and safety considerations that help protect elders from complications related to abuse and neglect. This comprehensive review can be utilized for nursing assistive personnel within the settings of assisted living, home care, and long-term care. Within this course, the participant will review how to prevent elder abuse, the process of reporting actual or suspected elder abuse, Federal and State regulations that govern elder abuse prevention and reporting, common problems of the elderly or ill that may put them at an increased risk for abuse from family and/or healthcare providers, potential consequences and complications of elder abuse, legal ramifications of elder abuse, improving communication to prevent and report elder abuse, and completing incident reporting in a timely and thorough manner.

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Define the different types of elder abuse and neglect.
  2. List Federal and State regulations that govern elder abuse prevention and reporting.
  3. Identify common problems of the elderly or ill that places them at risk for abuse.
  4. Discuss potential consequences and complications of elder abuse.
  5. Describe ways that elder abuse can be prevented.
  6. Discuss the prevalence of elder abuse in the United States.
  7. Give examples of possible legal ramifications of elder abuse.
  8. Explain how improving communication can prevent elder abuse.
  9. Describe the process of reporting actual or suspected elder abuse.
  10. Discuss how to complete an incident report in a timely and thorough manner.


Chapter 1: Prevalence of Elder Abuse in the United States

  • Definition of Elder Abuse
  • Statistics of Elder Abuse 
  • Federal and State Regulations 

Chapter 2: Physical Abuse 

  • Definition 
  • Example
  • Signs and Symptoms 
  • Prevention Strategies

Chapter 3: Neglect and Abandonment 

  • Definition 
  • Example
  • Signs and Symptoms 
  • Prevention Strategies

Chapter 4: Sexual Abuse 

  • Definition 
  • Example 
  • Sexual Harassment 
  • Signs and Symptoms 
  • Prevention Strategies

Chapter 5: Emotional and Mental Abuse 

  • Definition 
  • Examples 
  • Signs and Symptoms 
  • Prevention Strategies

Chapter 6: Financial or Material Exploitation 

  • Definition 
  • Examples 
  • Signs and Symptoms 
  • Prevention Strategies

Chapter 7: Improving Communication to Prevent Elder Abuse

  • Following the Care Plan
  • Therapeutic Communication 
  • Reporting Concerns

Chapter 8: Reporting Actual or Suspected Elder Abuse

  • Facility Reporting Responsibilities 
  • Staff Member Reporting Responsibilities 
  • Incident Reporting

Chapter 9: Print Course Handout

  • Course materials handouts; exam, exam key, certificate of completion, attendance sheet

Chapter 10: References

Price: $59.00

Contact Hour: 1

Elderly woman lying in a hospital bed with arms folded over her abdomen.

Course Author

Author photo of Damion Keith Jenkins

Damion Keith Jenkins

 Damion Jenkins, RN, MSN is the founder and CEO of a nursing education and consultation company - The Nurse Speak, LLC., where he specializes in the delivery of individualized tutoring, mentoring and consultation services for students, new graduate nurses, and healthcare facilities. Damion is also an adjunct nursing professor, an experienced travel nurse, and an active nurse blogger. 

Read Full Bio

Course Accreditation

This course provides 1.25 inservice contact hour(s).

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