Becoming an Independent Nurse Consultant

Nurse Entrepreneurship is not a new concept, but is perhaps intimidating and a foreign concept to many nurses. If you could package your professional nursing knowledge and expertise, incorporate sound legal and business principles, and build a successful business all on a flexible schedule, how would that feel? 

This online CNE course is for the nurse who wants to become a business owner capitalizing on their nursing and healthcare practice, skill, and knowledge, but has no idea where to start. This course will offer step by step suggestions for how to become an independent nurse consultant, including name selection, establishing legal entities, tax consequences, establishing an office, website and payment options, as well as funding options. This resource will also guide you on a successful path to entrepreneurship by teaching you to brand your business, write your mission statement, and state your values and guiding principles. Are you ready for success?

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Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. List 3 steps in determining a name for a new company.
  2. Describe 2 methods of accepting payments for a new business.
  3. Explain 3 potential methods of funding a new business start up.


Chapter 1: The Entrepreneurial Mindset 

  • Thinking and Focusing 
  • Do It 

Chapter 2: Business Name Selection 

Chapter 3:  Legal Entities 

  • Sole Proprietorship 
  • Corporation 
  • Partnership 
  • Limited Liability Companies 

Chapter 4:  Taxes 

Chapter 5:  Setting up Your Office 

Chapter 6:  Methods of Payment Acceptance 

  • Credit Cards 
  • Paypal 

Chapter 7:  Funding for the Business Startup 

  • Personal Savings 
  • Business Loans 
  • Venture Capitalists 
  • Angel Investors 
  • Grants 
  • Crowdfunding

Chapter 8: Branding

  • Creating your brand
  • Brand values
  • Guiding principles
  • Mission statement
  • Creating your logo

Chapter 9: Marketing

  • Creating a plan
  • Determining goals
  • Marketing strategies
  • California Bill 241
  • Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • What is Implicit Bias?
  • Implications of Implicit Bias in Healthcare
  • How to Reduce Implicit Bias

Price: $12.00

Contact Hour: 1

Course Author

Author photo for Michelle Greene Rhodes

Michelle Greene Rhodes

Life coach. Mentor. Business Consultant.

Michelle Greene Rhodes is known as THE Life Coach and Business Consultant for Nurse Entrepreneurs.
Inspired by her passion, she assists Health Professionals who struggle with the “start-up” phases of their business. She helps them free up their time and find a purpose filled life of their own by streamlining the first steps of entrepreneurship.

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