Souraya Ballew, RPT, CPT, BS, MS

Souraya is a Registered and Certified Phlebotomy Technician and Certified Instructor of CPR by the American Heart Association who brings forth 27 years of experience in the medical field. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, she now resides in the Atlanta, GA area, where she owns and operates Tender Touch Phlebotomy & CPR Services, LLC.
Souraya is a proud wife, mother, and grandmother and holds a master’s degree in Management and Leadership. Additionally, she is a certified Life Coach and enjoys helping people find true happiness through healing, and has received specialized training in Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault/Rape, Suicide, and Child Safety Conversation Tools. Souraya is currently enrolled at NCU to obtain her Doctoral degree in Psychology with a focus on Trauma and Disaster Relief. In addition, as an ordained Pastor, she founded L.I.L.A.C Women’s Ministries, which stands for Ladies Influencing Life-Altering Change - a 501c3 non-profit, where she helps people to heal from trauma by offering workshops and life and spiritual coaching.
Souraya is also the published author of, "When is Strong, Strong Enough?", "Shiny Ball Syndrome: Fixing Your Focus", "Damaged Goods: A Woman's Guide to Surviving Divorce...and Other Matters", and her very first children's book, "The Day the Whole Earth Closed". When time and opportunity permit, she travels to train company employees, speak at events, and minister to people. Outside of that, she enjoys traveling the world for fun, experience, and relaxation. Her entire medical career has been spent helping to teach and train others in developing their skills and customer service values. Her passion is for teaching and helping and in her own words she is, “honored to be a part of your learning experience.”
Areas of Expertise
- Phlebotomy
- Trauma and Disaster Relief
Professional Associations
- Nevada Homeless Alliance
- L.I.L.A.C Women’s Ministries